Avreage dmg on tracer
Avreage dmg on tracer

avreage dmg on tracer

Hanzo nocks and fires an arrow at his target. Release Date: 10-27-2015 Base Hitpoints: 200 Hanzo Her DPS is utterly insane for someone that has three blinks and a time rewind that gives her all her HP back.īase of Operation: Hanamura, Japan (formerly)


The beta is stupidly fun so far, but I'm getting super, super sick of Tracer's that can solo a tank and walk away with full HP every time. After a brief delay, the bomb explodes, dealing high damage to all enemies within its blast radius.

  • Ultimate Ability: Pulse Bomb Cast-time ultimate type Timed bomb ability type 5, 350 damage 3 m radius 16 m/s projectile speed Lasts 1 second Can inflict self damage Cannot inflict self knockback Tracer lobs a large bomb that adheres to any surface or unfortunate opponent it lands on.
  • Damage boost applies when an ability/projectile is fired, not when it lands/does damage Prioritize damage boosting characters that do not have their ultimate Mercy engages one of two beams that connect to an ally.
  • While most skilled flankers will be able to kill you if they get that close to you, you can sometimes do enough damage to drive them away, especially if you aren't caught off-guard by them.
  • Venom Mine does a surprising amount of damage, as does Widowmaker's submachine gun.
  • Tracer’s Pulse Bomb is a sticky – it sticks to the. But don’t expect them to do much damage at medium range or beyond. However, I predict when it comes down to high level of play, this will become more of an even fight between the two. Tracer can easily avoid Hanzo's ultimate (Dragonstrike) by blinking away from it, but Hanzo will most likely die to Tracer's Pulse Bomb, as there is not much Hanzo can do about it. Hanzo's ultimate Dragonstrike is a very useful tool for helping his whole team push forward and destroy static defenses (such as those annoying Bastion Sentries). Although Hanzo has a high skill ceiling to master, new players will still have a lot of fun playing with his abilities and getting kills from a bow & arrow always feels so good to pull off. Hanzo's Scatter Arrows make him very deadly close up and with enough practice one can get really good with Hanzo's aiming from all distances. Hanzo differs a bit from Widowmaker in which he is a bit more on the offensive side and can keep up in the front line with his team to help push forward, while Widowmaker usually stays in the back and snipes. Hanzo is a defensive hero that works similar to Widowmaker in which they are both snipers and have different ways of mobility: wall climbing for Hanzo, and grappling hook for Widowmaker. Hanzo is a ninja from Japan who specializes in using a bow to slay his enemies.
  • How Much Dmg Does Tracer's Ultimate Do It Play.
  • avreage dmg on tracer

    How Much Dmg Does Tracers Ultimate Dogs.

    Avreage dmg on tracer